
电科论文 相关文章 审编:珍珍 来源:范文组

机器人技术是20世纪的一个,人类最伟大的发明相关的各种相关技术和学科,如学习型组织,控制工程,计算机,人工智能,微电子,传感器技术,材料科学和仿生学等科学技术,综合技术。机器人技术是科学和技术的发展机演变的必然结果,机器人来自到现在经过50多年的发展,在国民经济和社会科学研究的整个领域在人们的生活中越来越显着的作用,学习要成为一个好帮手在过去的十年中,利用各种机器人得到了越来越广泛的应用,如焊接,喷漆,搬运和其他工厂的工业机器人制造。尤其是在医疗保健,服务,外太空,超越了人类的防御极限的领域,发挥着不可替代的作用。正因为如此,许多国家在机器人技术的发展,投入巨资。机器人技术已形成一门新学科 - 机器人(机器人),导致涉及机械工程,计算机科学与技术,机械电子工程,自动控制理论,人工智能,生物学,和其他科目的微电子技术为一体,是一个综合性技术学科。由于具有速度快,效率高,质量稳定,极大的疲劳极限,从事人类机器人的工作不能或不能做的工作,并能适应各种产品等,因此被广泛使用在工业,军事,医疗,娱乐,家庭,地下,水下,空间应用和社会的其他领域。是一个编程的机器人,并执行一些操作或机械装置,用于移动工作任务下自动控制方式。机器人技术结合了最新的研究在机械工程,电气工程,计算机技术,自动控制和人工智能等多种学科,是机电一体化技术,最活跃的领域现代科学技术发展的典型代表。研发,制造和应用的机器人正受到越来越多的关注到该国。在过去的十年中,机器人技术发展很快,机器人采用了多种在各个领域广泛使用的应用程序。



Robotics is one of the 20th century, mankind's greatest invention is related to a variety of related technologies and disciplines, such as learning organizations, control engineering, computers, artificial intelligence, microelectronics, sensor technology, materials science and bionics such as science and technology, integrated technology. Robotics is the inevitable result of the evolution of science and technology development machine, the robot came from to now after 50 years of development, in the national economy, and the whole field of social science research plays an increasingly significant role in people's lives, learning to become a good helper the past decade, the use of a variety of robots has been more widely used, such as welding, painting, handling and other plant for the manufacture of industrial robots. Especially in the field of health care, services, outer space, beyond the limits of human defense, plays an irreplaceable role. Because of this, many countries invested heavily in the development of robot technology.Robotics has formed a new discipline - Robotics (Robotics), led to the microelectronic technology involving mechanical engineering, computer science and technology, machinery and electronics engineering, automatic control theory, artificial intelligence, and biology, and other subjects for one, is a comprehensive technical disciplines. Since the robot work with a high speed, high efficiency, stable quality, great fatigue limit, to engage in human beings can not or could not do the job, and can adapt to a variety of products, etc., so it is widely used in industrial, military, medical, entertainment, Household, underground, underwater, space applications and other areas of society. Is a way to program the robot, and perform some action or mechanical means for moving job tasks under automatic control. Robotics technology combines the latest research in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer technology, automatic control and artificial int

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